Step 1: Parameter Filters

Use the drop-boxes to create a combination of case features that you would like to investigate.

Example: Parameters that will show you results for riots where defendants have been found guilty.
Step 2: SubCategories

To separate the subcategories from within the filter parameters, click the adjacent checkbox. This will produce a chart for each subcategory and all the ways it can be combined with the other filter parameters selected.

Note that choosing more than 2 boxes may increase the time needed to produce the charts.

Try these sample searches
Sample Search 1
How has the number of trials resulting in deportation changed from 1718 to 1857 and what difference does gender make?

To build this query yourself select "transport" from Punishment, check the Show Subcategories box beside Defendant Gender, choose the appropriate dates, and choose to count trials. Finally, choose "matrix (independent y-axis)" to catch small values.
Sample Search 2
How has the distribution of punishments across genders changed over time?

To build this query yourself leave all the drop down menus at their defaults, check the Show Subcategories box beside Defendant Gender, and choose to count by defendant. Finally, choose "matrix (common y-axis)" so that it is easy to compare the graphs.
Sample Search 3
Interested in seeing what punishments have been handed out for each offence and how that has changed over time?

To build this query yourself check the Show Subcategories boxes beside Offence and Punishment and make sure you are counting offences. Finally, choose "matrix (common y-axis)" so that it is easy to compare the graphs.
Crime Details Show SubCategories
Time Period  
From: To:  

Step 3: Word Options

These give you the abiliy to either filter your searches to only include results with specific words in the trials or to count the frequency of specific words across selected trials.

Note that searches involving these criteria will take significant amounts of additional time (i.e. minutes).
Filter on Words   Exact Matching
This option allows you to filter cases based on the words you specify. Example: typing in "coin" will report only cases that have the word "coin" in the text of the trial.   ON OFF

Words to Count  
This option allows you to track counts for specific words across all specified trials.      
Step 4: Output Options

The output options available will depend on your choices so far and can modify previous choices as well.

If you have anything in the Words to Count field then there will be no options available here. If that field is empty then you can choose from four display options. Three of these will allow you to choose what will be counted and dispalyed in the resulting charts.

Choosing Concordance as the output option will hide and remove any selections regarding showing subcategories in step 2.